
We are a team of professional financial consultants. For years, we have been providing unbiased, expert analysis and opinion to gain the trust and appreciation of our clients. We strive our best to help our clients to maximize wealth and free from financial worries.

Financial services are strictly regulated in Hong Kong. As a good corporate citizen, we ensure full compliance with the code and requirements of professional organizations and regulators. Arcadia Financial Services (Asia) Limited is a registered insurance broker. Arcadia Financial Services (Asia) Limited is also a registered MPF intermediary. In all these areas, we uphold the highest standards and act on the best interest of our clients, unbiased by any other commercial organizations.

In the myriad of financial products today, finding the best route to achieve financial goals is not trivial. With our rich experience and up-to-date market knowledge, we are able to help our clients to crystallize their needs and preferences and bring to them the best offer available.

We do not like unnecessary risks and we take all measures to protect our clients' interests. That is why we only choose world-renowned financial institutions as our business partners and ensure that our clients' money is in good hands.

Arcadia Financial Services (Asia) Ltd. is a Hong Kong Licensed Insurance Intermediary (License No. FB1119) and is a Hong Kong MPF Principal Intermediary (Reg No.: IC000526).

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